svg imageCeremonial Grade Matcha and Culinary Grade Matcha Difference? – 8th Wonder Tea

Ceremonial Grade Matcha and Culinary Grade Matcha? What's the difference? Does it matter?

Matcha has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its unique flavor, vibrant green color, and potential health benefits. When exploring the world of matcha, you may come across terms like "ceremonial grade matcha" and "culinary grade matcha." 

But what exactly is the difference between them? And does it really matter which one you choose? In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the contrasting characteristics of ceremonial grade matcha and culinary grade matcha, providing you with the knowledge to make an informed decision.

Ceremonial Grade Matcha: Unveiling the Elegance

Ceremonial grade matcha is regarded as the highest quality matcha available. It is carefully cultivated and harvested to ensure its exceptional taste and vibrant green color. This grade of matcha is primarily used in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies, where its exquisite flavor and smooth texture are appreciated.

Superior Shade Grown Leaves

Ceremonial grade matcha is made from shade-grown tea leaves, typically harvested by hand. This process involves covering the tea plants with shade cloth a few weeks before the harvest. By reducing sunlight exposure, the leaves produce higher levels of chlorophyll and amino acids, resulting in a more vibrant green color and a sweeter, umami-rich taste.

Finely Stone-Ground Powder

The leaves used for ceremonial grade matcha are carefully selected and undergo a meticulous production process. After steaming and drying, the leaves are destemmed and deveined, leaving only the highest-quality parts. These leaves are then ground into an ultra-fine powder using traditional granite stone mills. The grinding process can take up to an hour for just 30 grams of matcha, ensuring its smoothness and exceptional quality.

Delicate Flavor Profile

Ceremonial grade matcha boasts a complex flavor profile that is often described as vegetal, sweet, and slightly bitter. Its smooth and creamy texture adds to the overall experience, providing a rich and indulgent taste. When prepared correctly, ceremonial matcha delivers a harmonious balance of flavors, making it a delightful beverage to savor.

Culinary Grade Matcha: Versatility in the Kitchen

While ceremonial grade matcha is treasured for its elegance, culinary grade matcha offers versatility in various culinary creations. It is more affordable than ceremonial grade matcha and is commonly used for cooking, baking, and blending into beverages like smoothies or lattes.

Less Stringent Growing and Processing Methods

Culinary grade matcha is often sourced from tea leaves that receive more sunlight during their growth, resulting in a slightly less vibrant green color. The leaves are typically machine-harvested and undergo a less rigorous selection process. These factors contribute to a lower cost and make culinary grade matcha more accessible for everyday use.

Robust Flavor and Aroma

Compared to ceremonial grade matcha, culinary grade matcha exhibits a stronger and more robust flavor profile. It possesses a slightly bitter taste with earthy undertones. The bolder flavor of culinary matcha allows it to shine through even when incorporated into recipes with other ingredients, making it an excellent choice for culinary experimentation.

Affordable and Convenient

Culinary grade matcha is more affordable compared to ceremonial grade matcha, making it a popular choice for those who wish to enjoy matcha on a regular basis without breaking the bank. Its versatility in cooking and baking also makes it a convenient option for those who want to incorporate matcha into their daily culinary creations.

The Difference: Ceremonial Grade Matcha vs. Culinary Grade Matcha

Now that we've explored the unique characteristics of both ceremonial grade matcha and culinary grade matcha, let's highlight the key differences between the two:

Quality and Growing Conditions: Ceremonial grade matcha is cultivated under strict conditions, with shade-grown tea leaves that are hand-picked and stone-ground into a fine powder. Culinary grade matcha, on the other hand, is grown under less stringent conditions and often machine-harvested, resulting in a lower quality and less vibrant green color.

Flavor Profile: Ceremonial grade matcha offers a delicate, sweet, and slightly bitter flavor with a smooth and creamy texture. Culinary grade matcha has a stronger, more robust flavor with earthy undertones and a slightly bitter taste.

Intended Use: Ceremonial grade matcha is traditionally used in Japanese tea ceremonies, where its exceptional quality and flavor are celebrated. It is meant to be enjoyed on its own, whisked with hot water. Culinary grade matcha, on the other hand, is designed for versatility in cooking, baking, and blending into various recipes and beverages.

Price: Due to the differences in quality and growing conditions, ceremonial grade matcha is generally more expensive than culinary grade matcha. Culinary grade matcha provides a more affordable option for those who want to incorporate matcha into their daily routine without breaking the bank.

While both ceremonial grade matcha and culinary grade matcha have their distinct qualities, the choice between the two ultimately depends on your personal preferences and intended use.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I use ceremonial grade matcha for cooking and baking?

A: While you can use ceremonial grade matcha in culinary creations, its higher cost may make it less practical for everyday cooking. Culinary grade matcha is a better choice for cooking and baking purposes.

Q: Can I drink culinary grade matcha on its own?

A: Yes, you can certainly enjoy culinary grade matcha by whisking it with hot water and savoring it as a traditional matcha beverage.

Q: Does the grade of matcha affect its health benefits?

A: Both ceremonial grade matcha and culinary grade matcha offer health benefits, as they are derived from the same tea plant. However, ceremonial grade matcha is often considered to have a higher concentration of nutrients due to its cultivation and processing methods.

Q: How should I store matcha to maintain its freshness?

A: To preserve the freshness of matcha, store it in an airtight container in a cool and dark place, away from direct sunlight and moisture.

Q: Are there any specific recipes that are best suited for culinary grade matcha?

A: Culinary grade matcha can be used in a variety of recipes, including matcha-flavored desserts, smoothies, lattes, and even savory dishes like matcha-infused sauces or dressings. The possibilities are endless!

Q: Can I mix ceremonial grade matcha and culinary grade matcha together?

A: Absolutely! Mixing the two grades of matcha can create a unique flavor profile that suits your personal taste preferences.


In conclusion, the difference between ceremonial grade matcha and culinary grade matcha lies in their quality, flavor profile, intended use, and price. Ceremonial grade matcha offers elegance, exceptional taste, and a vibrant