svg image10 Amazing Benefits of Apple Juice – 8th Wonder Tea

10 Amazing Benefits of Apple Juice

Due to its many health benefits and high nutrient density, apple juice is one of the world's most popular and widely available fruit juices. The apple is a versatile, easily obtained, and low-cost fruit. Furthermore, it contains a variety of bioactive components that may provide various health benefits, which is why doctors often tell people to eat apples and other fruits. 

Numerous studies show that consuming apples or their juice, like the apple juice in 8th Wonder's Organic Sparkling Chai Tea, is good for you. This delightful beverage quenches our thirst and satisfies our sweet desires while providing a substantial nutritional profile.

Discover the Facts about Apple Juice

Apple juice, a beloved beverage, holds several fascinating facts. From its origin to its nutritional value, exploring the facts about apple juice unveils the story behind this refreshing drink. Learn more about apple juice facts and how it can contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Apple Juice in Spanish: Conoce el Jugo de Manzana

¿Sabías que apple juice se traduce como jugo de manzana en español? Explora los beneficios y las diferentes formas de disfrutar el jugo de manzana en este artículo. Descubre cómo este delicioso néctar de fruta puede ser parte de una dieta saludable.

Apple Juice: More than a Drink

Apple juice offers a versatile range of uses beyond just being a refreshing beverage. Dive into the various ways apple juice can be utilized in cooking, baking, cocktails, and more. Unleash your creativity in the kitchen with apple juice as a flavorful and nutritious ingredient.

Debunking the Myth: Does Apple Juice Make You Gassy?

Many people wonder if consuming apple juice can lead to gassiness. Get the facts straight as we address this common concern. Discover how apple juice can be enjoyed without worrying about excessive gas and bloating.

When You've Had Too Much Apple Juice: Tips for Balance

Have you ever had a bit too much apple juice and felt the need to restore balance? Explore helpful tips for managing the effects of consuming excessive apple juice and regaining equilibrium. Find practical solutions to ease any discomfort caused by overindulgence.

Unveiling the Health Benefits of Juicing Apples

Juicing apples can be a fantastic way to harness their nutritional benefits. Learn about the incredible health advantages of juicing apples and how it can boost your well-being. Discover recipes and techniques to maximize the nutrient content and enjoy the goodness of juiced apples.

Is Apple Juice Fattening? Debunking the Myth

Concerns about the calorie content of apple juice often arise. Explore the truth behind the myth of whether apple juice is fattening or not. Understand the role of portion sizes and moderation in incorporating apple juice into a balanced diet.

Cloudy Apple Juice: Unfiltered Goodness

Cloudy apple juice, often unfiltered, offers a distinct taste and texture compared to its clear counterpart. Delve into the world of cloudy apple juice and its unique attributes. Discover the reasons why some prefer the unfiltered goodness of this wholesome beverage.

Clear Apple Juice: Crisp and Refreshing

Clear apple juice, known for its crisp and refreshing taste, holds its own charm. Explore the characteristics and preferences associated with clear apple juice. Learn more about the production process and how it differs from cloudy apple juice.

The Power of Fruit Juice: Beyond Apple Juice

While apple juice is beloved, there is a vast world of fruit juices to explore. Discover the diverse range of flavors and health benefits offered by different fruit juices. Expand your beverage options and embrace the goodness of various fruits in juice form.

Embrace the Pleasure of Apple Juice Consumption

With its rich taste and nutritional value, apple juice is a beverage worth savoring. Embrace the pleasure of consuming apple juice and elevate your daily routine. Whether enjoyed on its own or combined with other ingredients, apple juice brings joy and vitality to every sip.

For more insights into the health benefits of other beverages and fruits, explore our related blog posts:

Expand your knowledge and experience the wonders of natural goodness with 8th Wonder Tea.

How is Apple Juice Created?

Apple juice is made by pressing apples. Because one cup of juice requires two medium-sized apples, they are grown in large quantities. Most juices are further filtered or pasteurized after the apples are pressed, which helps remove harmful microscopic particles. 

There are hundreds of varieties of apples worldwide, but McIntosh apples are most often used to make juice.

Apple Juice Nutrient Profile 

The National Library of Medicine has a research article that says apple juice "contains 30 nutritive and biologically active substances." (1)

One cup of unsweetened apple juice with no ascorbic acid added has about 114 calories and the following nutrients: (2)

  • Fat: 0.3g
  • Total Carbohydrates: 28g 
  • Sugar: 24g 
  • Protein: 0.2g 
  • Vitamin A: 2.5 IU
  • Vitamin C: 2.2 mg
  • Calcium: 19.8 mg
  • Magnesium: 12.4 mg
  • Potassium: 251 mg
  • Choline: 4.5 mg
  • And more.

Apple juice also retains some fiber and is loaded with healthy, disease-fighting phytochemicals, flavonols, and procyanidins. (Polyphenols are antioxidant plant compounds linked to numerous health benefits.)

But what are the health benefits of apple juice, and how can we maximize them? In this article, we'll look at the advantages of apple juice, its nutritional profile, and potential side effects. 

Benefits of Apple Juice

The famous saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,’ appears to be as accurate for apple juice as it is for the whole fruit. Studies suggest that apple juice may aid in treating numerous illnesses due to its wide variety of nutritious qualities.

Let’s look at some potential health benefits of drinking this refreshing beverage. 

Loaded With Beneficial Plant Compounds

As mentioned above, apples contain abundant plant chemicals, specifically polyphenols. While present mainly in apple skin, some of these chemicals are also found in apple flesh and, when pressed, end up in the juice. (3)

These plant chemicals may defend cells against inflammation and oxidative damage. These two processes underlie several chronic illnesses, including various cancers and cardiovascular diseases. (4) Many experts believe that inflammation is at the root of most chronic diseases. 

In one study, healthy males had 2/3 cup (160 ml) of apple juice before having their blood drawn. Within 30 minutes of drinking the juice, their blood had less oxidative damage, and this effect lasted for up to 90 minutes (5).

Select juice with pulp to ensure a significant polyphenol intake. It gives the juice a “cloudy” appearance. Studies show that apple juice with pulp contains significantly more polyphenols than pulpless juice. (6) 

May Boost Immunity

Due to its high levels of polyphenols and vitamin C, which we discussed above, this delicious drink can help your immune system. This is one of the most important benefits of apple juice.

Vitamin C is an essential part of the body that does important things like keeping cells healthy and whole and acts as a necessary antioxidant. This means it helps fight potentially dangerous free radicals, which can cause significant problems if they aren't dealt with properly.

This essential vitamin functions in conjunction with the high polyphenol content in apple juice. Polyphenols are full of antioxidants and help treat digestive problems and overall health. In addition, your immune system will be more robust if you drink fresh apple juice, making it less likely that you’ll get colds and flu.

May Aid in Weight Loss

One of the most unexpected apple juice benefits is its ability to aid with weight loss. While fruits and vegetables are often associated with a well-balanced, healthy diet, apple juice plays a significant role in weight loss.

The high concentration of polyphenols in apple juice is directly responsible for its potential weight-loss effects. These chemicals come from plants and have active parts that prevent obesity and give a feeling of satiety (or "fullness") that can make you feel less hungry. (7)

Numerous studies have found that apple polyphenols can help fight obesity. Experiments on animals and humans also show that eating apples in various forms can help overweight people lose weight. (8)

Studies also show that apple juice may speed up your metabolism, which could help overweight people lose weight. Long-term studies, for example, show that drinking apple juice is linked to a lower risk of metabolic syndrome, which includes a smaller waist circumference, a lower percentage of body fat, lower cholesterol, a lower risk of diabetes, and lower blood pressure. So, apple juice may protect your heart and boost your metabolism. (9, 10)

May Support Heart Health

The same polyphenols and flavonoids that lower inflammation and provide various health benefits are also excellent for your heart. Studies show that polyphenols may inhibit the oxidation and the buildup of bad (LDL) cholesterol in the arteries, making heart disease less likely. (11, 12) 

Also, drinking apple juice is linked to the health benefits of antioxidants and a lower risk of coronary heart disease (13). In another study, researchers from the Federal University of Santa Catarina found that drinking apple juice raised the levels of antioxidants and lipid peroxidation in the blood serum (14).

May Defend Against Cancer

Foods high in antioxidants may help prevent oxidative stress, which can damage cells and maybe even cause cancer. For example, the antioxidant content of an apple and its juice is high.

A recent study found that drinking apple juice or eating apples has been linked to a lower chance of developing lung and colon cancer. (15) Based on what they learned from this study, researchers think drinking apple juice might make you less likely to get skin cancer. However, additional research needs to be conducted to support this theory. 

May Help Prevent Dehydration 

Apple juice not only tastes good, but it is also 88% water. This makes it an excellent source of hydration and easy to drink, especially for those most at risk of becoming dehydrated, like the sick or elderly. (16)

Some pediatricians recommend half-strength apple juice, half juice and half water for sick kids who are mildly dehydrated and at least one year old. (17, 18)

In a study of children with diarrhea and vomiting who were mildly dehydrated, those who were given diluted apple juice were 6.5% less likely to need fluids through their veins than those who were given a medical electrolyte drink. (19) 

May Promote Healthy Skin

Another surprising benefit of apple juice is its ability to promote healthy skin. Research suggests that organic apple juice like the kind in 8th Wonder Sparkling Cha Tea may when used on the skin:

  • Brighten the complexion
  • Hydrate the skin, which reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Exfoliate the skin, which can unclog the pores and reveal your rosy complexion
  • Support healthy skin aging

Organic apple juice contains vitamins A, B, C, and K, alpha-hydroxy acid (malic acid), and phytonutrients. But human studies, also called clinical research trials, need to be done to confirm these results. Nevertheless, it protects against damage to cells and tissues, has strong antioxidant properties, helps skin heal, and may help keep skin from aging too quickly. 

When applied to the skin, organic apple juice is known to encourage the growth of new, healthier cells, hydrate and soothe dryness, protect against the damaging effects of UV radiation, and make the skin more flexible. 

Additionally, it diminishes the appearance of redness, inflammation, hyperpigmentation, and aging. It even controls how much oil your skin makes, cleans it, clears it up, and prevents acne by balancing the skin tone.

May Support Healthy Brain Function

There is impressive scientific evidence that apple juice may improve cognitive function. Early research suggests that drinking apple juice may help keep your brain and mind healthy as you age. In addition, several animal studies indicate that apple juice has a neuroprotective effect. 

Some of this protection may come from the polyphenols in the juice, which work as antioxidants to destroy free radicals and unstable molecules that would otherwise harm your brain. (20, 21) Polyphenols have been shown to help prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. 

May Relieve Constipation

Constipation is a condition characterized by painful or infrequent bowel movements. It is a common gastrointestinal disorder affecting approximately 20% of the general population. (22)

Constipation can be very painful and cause other symptoms like bloating, nausea, and cramping. It can also lead to more severe problems that need to be treated with medicine.

But studies suggest drinking apple juice might help. For example, one of the best things about apple juice is that it can help you go to the bathroom by acting as a mild laxative. This is mainly because it has a lot of sugar, like fructose, glucose, and sorbitol, which some people can't fully absorb and can help them go to the bathroom.

But if you're having trouble going to the bathroom, you shouldn't drink too much apple juice. Apple juice can cause stomach problems if you drink too much of it. Even though it will help with constipation, it will cause diarrhea if you drink too much. 

May Help Diabetes

Surprisingly, apple juice may help people control their blood sugar levels, helping prevent diabetes. 

In a randomized, controlled trial investigating the potential effect of apple juice on blood glucose levels in humans, researchers discovered that drinking apple juice did not raise blood sugar levels. They also found that drinking apple juice can help lower blood sugar levels over time. These results suggest that apple juice could benefit people with diabetes. 

More research is needed, however, to back up such claims. (23)

Side Effects of Apple Juice

Apple juice is generally considered safe, but you shouldn't drink too much. Drinking too much of this refreshing beverage can cause several unpleasant symptoms, including:

  • Stomachache
  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Tooth decay (due to the sugar content)
  • Weight gain (due to the calorie content and the lack of satiety, i.e., apple juice is not very filling.)
  • Spike blood glucose levels, which can lead to weight gain, obesity, and type 2 diabetes
  • Illness due to pesticide contamination. To avoid the pesticide issue, always choose organic apple juice like the kind in the 8th Wonder Sparkling Chai Tea. 

Enjoy Organic Apple Juice in 8th Wonder’s Sparkling Chai Tea!

Soothing calm has never been so delicious. Open a can of strong black tea flavored with apple, cinnamon, cardamom, clove, and ashwagandha, and settle down with a cup. With its finishing spray, this cinnamon drink transports you to a crisp autumn afternoon, where the air is alive with the scent of cinnamon, spices, and a touch of magic.

And get this…

8th Wonder’s Sparkling Chai Tea is certified organic with NO sugar added, NO artificial sweeteners, and NO gluten. 

So, what are you waiting for? Click here to learn more about this fantastic chai tea with organic apple juice, and place your order while supplies last!























